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When the Industrial Internet of Things meets 5G(4)
2019-05-04 00:30:26

When the Industrial Internet of Things meets 5G


HaizhurenWebsite: From the Internet Sohu Image Source @视觉中国文|Vice President of Broadband Capital Song Pengfei 2019-04-29

海珠人网站:源自网络 搜狐 图片来源@视觉中国文|宽带资本副总裁 宋鹏飞2019-04-29

Fourth part   第四部份

▲ Source: Boliden official website

Inaddition, the ore is obtained by drilling and blasting. Each blasting willproduce toxic gas. Only when these toxic gases are dispersed, can humans enterthe mining area for excavation operations, which are factors affecting miningefficiency.

Abetter solution for these problems is automation and remote control equipment.

Theautomated drilling rig can automatically move from one drill hole to the nexttarget hole according to a preset path, and the task can be automaticallyrepeated. Traditionally, it is necessary to manually operate the equipment onsite.

Tomove the rig, if a task or moving path is not pre-set, the operator canremotely control their movement with the camera equipped on the rig.

Inmost cases, automation has been able to do most of the work, but only a fewpeople can make assessment decisions, such as the assessment of rockconditions, or the need to manually participate in remote or even on-siteassessments.

▲ Source: atlascopcomr

Aitiktransformed five traditional rigs into rigs with automation and remote controlfunctions, installed cameras for these traditional rigs, upgraded the controlsystem, and added communication modules, but only supported medium-qualityvideo due to current network bandwidth. The transmission, which limits theability of remote control.

Theretrofitted rigs can increase the number of working hours per year from 5,000hours to 7,000 hours, which is equivalent to the work that Boliden used tocomplete seven or more rigs with five improved rigs.

Inaddition, automation also reduces the need for personnel, service stations,parking areas, and reduces the pressure on busy transportation routes in themining area. Because of the reduction in personnel and the risk of personnelsafety in the mine, Boliden can increase the amount of blasting whilemaintaining the same amount of equipment and the number of employees. Aftercalculation, drilling and blasting with automation technology can save theAitik mine by 2.5 million euros per year.

Toachieve complete automation, remote control devices and high-performancecommunication systems are a must. At present, the communication technology usedin the mining industry is still WiFi. It can be accepted through carefuloptimization of coverage and performance, but it can only deal with simple andrepetitive tasks in automation, such as adjusting the form of drilling.

Bolidenhas previously deployed a WiFi communication system at the Aitik mine to meetthe needs of controlling the rig. Although this has increased the level ofproductivity, there are still many deficiencies in WiFi performance. After all,WiFi is not designed for outdoor large area coverage, and Aitik's open pit mineis such a scene. The limited WiFi connectivity also limits the possibility ofadding new automated machines.

Aslarge as the entire mining industry, as small as Boliden, the performance ofthe WiFi communication system severely limits the further development ofautomation, such as the realization of complex drilling, auto-driving minecars, automatic planning and scheduling systems, etc., must have highperformance Communication systems can meet these needs. The 5G is the mostsuitable communication system, which can handle the transmission of 3D high-definitionvideo, greatly improving the precision of remote control, thus enabling remotemanagement of highly complex tasks.

▲ Source: Ericsson 5G Research

Toachieve the goal of mine automation, Boliden's communication systems need tomeet the following requirements:

■ First, to ensure remotemonitoring, this requires the large bandwidth and low latency of thecommunication system;

■ Secondly, the system inthe mining area should be able to adapt to other automation and remote controlequipment, including different brands and different control systems;

■ In addition, fullcoverage is required to cover all corners of the mine to ensure that allmachines and personnel can be connected and positioned;

■ Finally, in the complexand varied environment of the mine, the system is stable.

The 5Gcommunication system can meet Boliden's highest demands, including bandwidth,network quality of service, latency and positioning. By introducing ahigh-performance communication network, the mine becomes safer and more efficient.Although some applications need to transmit a small amount of data,applications such as remote real-time control machines can only be realized by5G communication systems. With the empowerment of 5G, the mining industry willbecome one of the innovation fields. Generate new applications and businessmodels.

5Gempowerment, there is a long way to go

Solvingthe problem of delay and stability, the constraints of a large number ofequipment networking in the industrial field are eliminated. This huge markethas not been touched by the Internet before. It is like the emergence of 4G andsmart phones, opening the door of the mobile Internet. 5G may face a greaterchance than the mobile Internet.

Becausethe number of 5G connections, the value provided, and the ability to pay, arenot comparable to the mobile Internet. Therefore, many people believe that thebiggest opportunity for 5G lies in the industrial Internet.

Although5G technology is still immature, there is still a long way to go forlarge-scale deployment and application, but we believe that the direction of 5Genabling industry is clear and the future is expected.

The article is all completed


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