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The world's top 125 scientific issues!(1)
2019-02-25 23:01:07

Science announced: 125 cutting-edge scientific issues in the world



Haizhuren website: from the network Zhuge think tank 2019-02-11

Part 1

Preface hint:

On the occasion of the 125th anniversary of the founding of Science, Science announced 125 of the most challenging scientific issues. Understanding the direction of cutting-edge scientific research may help you grow. Simply summarize the 125 questions, including 46% of questions related to life sciences, 16% of problems related to the universe and the earth, more than 14% of problems related to material science, and 9% of cognitive science problems. The remaining issues relate to mathematics and computer science, politics and economics, energy, environment and population. In the next quarter of a century, people will be committed to solving these problems. Among them, the first 25 are considered to be the most important issues.


These 125 questions are as follows:


These 125 questions are as follows:

1. What constitutes the universe?


2. What is the biological basis of consciousness?


3. Why are human genes so few?



4. How relevant is genetic variation to human health?


5. Can the laws of physics be unified?


6. How long can human life last?


7. What controls organ regeneration?


8. How do skin cells become nerve cells?


9. How does a single somatic cell become a whole plant?


10. How does the Earth operate internally?


11. Is Earth human being unique in the universe?


12. Where is the life of the earth produced and how is it produced?



13. What determines the diversity of species?



14. What genetic changes have created a unique human being?


15. How is memory stored and restored?


16. How does human cooperation behavior develop?



17. How to generate large visual images from massive biological data?


18. What is the degree of development of chemical self-organization?


19. What is the limit of traditional computing?


20. Can we selectively cut off certain immune responses?


上一条: My Google 10 years(6) 下一条: The world's top 125 scientific issues!(2)
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